Tyden Park

Type: Outdoor Park
Address: Hastings Riverwalk
City: Hastings
State: MI
ZIP: 49058
This is a picture of Hastings Tyden Park

Close to downtown Hastings is Tyden Park, which is well known for having the Thornapple River peacefully winding through it. Some of the activities possible when visiting Tyden Park are walking/running the short trail, volleyball games, basketball games, or canoeing/kayaking/floating in a tube down Thornapple River.

  • Walking/Hiking Trails
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball Court
  • Riverside Access for Kayaks or Canoes
  • Picnic Pavilion
  • Playground


Offices: M-F | 9am – 4pm

Police: M-F | 8:30am – 4:30pm